About Jessie:
The Lady Behind The Lens

I’m your average weirdo that’s married to the love of her life, is obsessed with her kids and dogs, and believes I have the greatest job ever – photographing memorable moments of life and love. I have a degree in psychology that I never use (sorry mom and dad!), and still believe in fairytales. When I’m not taking photos or building relationships with my clients, I’m going for food and drinks (big time oyster girlie!) and spending as much time outside as I can.

My Love Story

I met Josh the 21 century way: Instagram. Several days, DMs, Facetimes, we went fishing for our first date. I had zero expectations, but I remember getting out of my car and walking up to this big, hunky, 6'4" man and I think my heart fell to the floor because I knew there was an instant connection. We didn't catch a single fish, but it was the best day, and from that day forward, we were inseparable. Falling in love with Josh was hands down the best time of my life. And eight years and a baby later, the love is even better than it was back then.



1. In my free time, you'll find me:

a.  teaching my pup new tricks
b.  baking a new recipe
c.   under our oak tree with my kids
d.  decorating my new home

2. All-time favorite memory:

a.   Wesley meeting Lyla
b.  hot air ballooning in England
c.  swimming with whales in HI
d.  skydiving in Australia

3. I'd love to never go a day without...

kisses from my babies

4. I start every morning with:

a.  an inspirational podcast 
b.  strong coffee and family snuggles
c.  my go-to smoothie
d.  meditation and quiet time

5. My favorite song for Karaoke:

Believe - Cher

6. People know me by my:

a.  southern accent 
b.  elevated client experience
c.  salsa recipe
d.  all of the above

7. My favorite holiday:

a.  Valentine's Day
b.  July 4th
c.  Halloween
d.  Christmas

8. My go-to coffee order:

Medium, iced pecan coffee with cream

WHY Jessie Ebright Photography?

Photography found me, and as fate had it, it’s exactly what I didn’t know I needed. I LIVE for taking photos of people in love and it’s a blessing to help people see how beautiful they and their moments truly are.

My personal goal in life is to always leave people better than I found them. Photography allows me to do that, over and over again.

ready for next steps?


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